
Newsletter by the Shinnyoji Sangha

Periodic publication illustrating the life of the Sangha. Reflections, poems, realizations, stories, images, compositions and testimonies: the reality of becoming a Zen practitioner in the infinite nuances of the Way.

EkiZen n. 60 Autumn 2024

Available in PDF. In this edition: "Sitting in Zazen to Know Oneself"; Special September 14, 2024: 20 Years from the Foundation of Shinnyoji; Rev. Shinnyo Marradi's Opening Speech; Speeches from the Guests; Thoughts from the Sangha; July Sesshin and Ordinations; Summer Retreat; Rev. Shinkō Fujiwara's visit at Shinnyoji; The Olbia Sangha, and more.

EkiZen n. 59 Summer 2024

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “To know oneself is to forget oneself to find oneself in alla beings”; Zazenkai and Sesshin; April 25: XV Anniversary of the Temple; Second Commemoration of rev. Ryūshin Azuma Rōshi; Meetings in Collaboration with UniFI; Zen and the Encounter; The Sangha of Olbia; A Magnolia for Marica; Letters for Who Is Not There and more.

EkiZen n. 58 Spring 2024

Available in PDF. In this bilingual edition: Editorial: “Shinjinmei, the mind of faith, shikantaza, simply being”; Baika Class, Incense-Making Workshop, Zazen with Kusen; Hōyō Ceremony for Marica; Nehan-e Ceremony; Meetings in Collaboration with UniFI; Zen and the Encounter and more.

EkiZen n. 57 Winter 2023

Available in PDF. In this bilingual edition: Editorial: “Welcoming and acceptance”; The Vigil of Rōhatsu and O-Sesshin; Ordination Ceremony; Visits to the Florence Zen Centre and Open Library; October's Sesshin; Meetings in Collaboration with UniFi; Annual DIM Meeting; Presentation of “The Worldly Dimension and Detachment” in Sanremo; Meetings at the IPM Florence; The Olbia Sangha and more.

EkiZen n. 56 Autumn 2023

Available in PDF. In this bilingual edition: Editorial: “Zen Living: Simply Being”; Altar of the Ancestors at Shinnyoji; Sesshin and Ordination Ceremony; Cosimo and Giulio’s First Birthday; Book Presentation: "The Echo of The Valley" and Meeting with Olbia Sangha; Rev. Shinnyo Marradi Trip to Japan; "The Body in Religious Traditions"; “The End of Life in the Religious Traditions of the West and the East”; The “Shōbōgenzō Zuimonki. Informal Speeches". Article in Agora Avvenire.it and more.

EkiZen n. 55 Summer 2023

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Why Do We Practise Zen?”; 14th Anniversary of The Permanent Headquarters of Shinnyoji; Hōyō Ceremony for Rev. Tenrai Ryūshin Azuma Dochorōshi; Book Presentations; Zen and the Encounter Relationship - Community – Responsibility; Zen and Music; Interventi presentati a Lecce nella presentazione del libro di saggi “La dimensione mondana e il distacco” (ITALIAN ONLY) and more.

EkiZen n. 54 Spring 2023

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Meditation in Zen”; Sesshin and Training; Nehan-E Ceremony; The Practice of Kōan in Rinzai Zen; Art of Living Workshop; Book Presentations and more.

EkiZen n. 53 Winter 2022

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Practice Theme for 2023”; Rōhatsu Vigil; Ordination Ceremony; Works at the Temple; The Initiatic Way in Shingon Mikkyō; New Year’s Sesshin; Book Presentations; Music as the Key to the Inner World and more.

EkiZen n. 52 Autumn 2022

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: The Echo of the Valley. On the Notes of Zen; “Day Together” - Meditation, Art and Wisdom 2022; Letter to Councillor Martini; Shinnyoji's Zen crosses the ocean; Sunrise; Shinnyoji Sangha Grows; They Are Not Just Words; From Brussels: A Small Message of Thanks and more.

EkiZen n. 51 Summer 2022

Available in PDF. In this edition: Hōyō Ceremony for the passing of Rev. Tenrai Ryūshin Azuma Dochorōshi; Ordination Ceremony; 13° Anniversary of the Permanent Seat of Shinnyoji; Meeting the Authors; Art of Living Workshop; Meeting with Students at Shinnyoji; People of Kṛṣṇa; DIM Meeting, Monastic Interreligious Dialogue; Mission in Olbia, Sardinia; Vesak 2022; Buddhist chaplains: a Compassionate response to suffering and more.

EkiZen n. 50 Spring 2022

Available in PDF. In this edition: “Maestro or maestra, a Zen conundrum” article in La Lettura; editorial: “Citizenship and Faith, believers and citizens: Motives and modes of a relationship with civil organisations”; Ordination Ceremony; Shinnyoji's Wedding Celebration; Meditation for peace; A Female Master; articles in other publications and more.


EkiZen n. 48 Autumn 2021

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Faith Literature and Poetry 22/04/2021 dedicated to the Memory of Dante”; Ordination Ceremonies; Missions at Fudenji; Taito and Shinzanshiki Ceremonies; A New World - Topical Reflections and Personal Evolution; DIM (Monastic Interreligious Dialogue) Annual Meeting; XLV Japan Studies Conference; EBU Annual General Meeting and more.

EkiZen n. 47 Summer 2021

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “In this time of multiple migrations: faith, and welcoming of the unknown (foreign)”; Conference: “Zen and Detachment: Being in the World but not of the World”; Celebration of Gotan-e; How Zen Resonates in the West - Words of the Sangha of Shinnyoji; 12th Anniversary of the Permanent Seat of Shinnyoji; Talk: His Holiness the Dalai Lama - The Four Noble Truths; and Interreligious meetings.

EkiZen n. 46 Spring 2021

Available in PDF. In this edition: Daijōji Italia Betsuin, Italian Branch of Daijōji Monastery; Editorial: “Faith, Dialogue and Remembrance”; How Zen Resonates in the West - Words of the Sangha of Shinnyoji; The Platform of Ganjin Wajō; Celebration of Nehan-e; Jukai Ordination Ceremony; Study day at Daijōji Temple and Interreligious meetings.

EkiZen n. 45 Winter 2020

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Best Wish and Practice Theme for 2021”; Marriage Rite Celebration at Shinnyoji; Zazen online; Rōhatsu Night and Dharma Talk for Rōhatsu Sesshin online del Sōkan Rev Shōten Minegishi; 44th Studies of Japan Conference by AISTUGIA; International Meeting of Prayer for Peace; Annual DIM Meeting; Zen Buddhism Studies Three-year Course; Florence Reborn - Florence and Human Rights; Shinnyoji cited in the Sōtōshū Magazine and more.

EkiZen n. 44 Autumn 2020

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Opening the Heart”; Shinnyoji Virtual Dharma Meeting; Reflections on ones own Zazen; Zazen in the garden; Ceremony for Taking Refuge and Jukai; Zazenkai; Inter-religious Meetings and Zen Meetings; Stone balancing and Zen; Light and Dark.

EkiZen n. 43 Summer 2020

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Summer 2020” and“In peak pandemia COVID 19 what we can do”; Answers to questions from Maestro Rev. Shinnyo Marradi; Notes from the Translator; Meeting with Religious Confessions of the Tuscany Region; Alessandro in Tanzania, Lisa Tenshin at Home and Thoughts from Fabio Daishin.

EkiZen n. 42 Spring 2020

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: Coronavirus, Communications from Shinnyoji – Virtual Shinnyoji Temple; Seminar on the History of Zen; Dharma Talk by Rev. Shōhaku Okumura Rōshi; Ceremony of Concecration and Deposition of the Buddha Reliquies in Japan; January and February Sesshins; Beginner Zen Courses; visits to Shinnyoji by Prof. Paolo Caldesi; travels and words from the Sangha.

EkiZen n. 41 Winter 2019

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Best Wishes and Practice Theme for 2020”; the Rohatsu Vigil with the Ordination Ceremony; Publication of the Discussion of the Conference on Dōgen; the Zen Calligraphy Course; October and November Sesshin, “RomApp” project; Teacher Shinnyo Marradi goes to Japan.


EkiZen n. 40 Autumn 2019

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “The Harmony of the Sangha”; June Sesshin and Ordination Ceremony; Summer Retreat; Zazenkai at the Tora Kan Dōjō; Rev. Shinnyo at Fudenji for the Establishment of the New Abbot; Visit to Sanboji; Lisa Tenshin in Alaska; Alessandro in Maine; sei Taigō Spongia at IOGKF.

EkiZen n. 39 Summer 2019

Available in PDF. In this edition: The 3-day Convention: “Zen and Japanese Culture: Teacher Dōgen and his Times”; 10th Anniversary of the Permanent Seat of Shinnyoji; Various meetings at Shinnyoji; Assemblies, Off-site Meetings and Lessons, trips and activities of the Sangha; an article about Nō Theater written by our Marco Furio Mangani Camilli.

EkiZen n. 38 Spring 2019

Available in PDF. In this edition: The Editorial: “Living Zen: Simply Being”; The History of Japanese Buddhism Seminar from the origins to the Kamakura Period; the Second Zen Course for Beginners continues and concludes: The Nehan-e Celebration: January Sesshin; a Morning with the President of UBI; Beyond Shinnyoji: the Walking Community of Florence – an Inter-religious Walk; UBI Congress; Rome: Taigō Sensei at Gasshuku.


EkiZen n. 37 Winter 2018

Available in PDF. In this edition; The Rōhatsu Vigil – with the Practice Theme of the new year; the Second Zen Course for Beginners continues with the second and third meeting; The event: A meeting with Japanese Tea; the Sesshin for Preparation for Taking Refuge; beyond Shinnyoji: Dialogue between Cultures at the “River To River Florence Indian Film Festival”.

EkiZen n. 36 Autumn 2018

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “Moments of Pracitce, Service to the Temple”: the 1st Zen Course for Beginners ends and the 2nd Zen Course for Beginners starts; furnishings arrive at the Temple; the Summer Retreat; the living Library; Shinnyo Rōshi‘s birthday and the special visit from Rev. Shōhaku Okumura Rōshi.

EkiZen n. 35 Summer 2018

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “A non-profit Practice”; Gotan-e Celebration; Buddhist Iconography in Asia: the Zen Course for Beginners continues; 9th Anniversary of the Permanent Seat of Shinnyoji; The World of Soba 手打ちそばの会: Meetings outside Shinnyoji in Rome, Bologna, Pisa Prato Milano and in France.

EkiZen n. 34 Spring 2018

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial: “The Culture of Dialogue”; The Zen Course for Beginners returns: the truly winter Retreat; Meetings outside of Shinnyoji in Rome, Venice, Milan, and in France: and a practitioner’s trip to Antarctica!

EkiZen n. 33 Winter 2017

Available in PDF. In this edition: The Inauguration of the Tea Room. With Tea Ceremony and Conference, the presentation of the new book by Prof. Aldo Tollini, the Rōhatsu Night – with the Practice Theme for the new year, meetings beyond Shinnyoji in Rome and Padova, other contributions from the Sangha and Friends.

EkiZen n. 32 Autumn 2017

Available in PDF. In this edition: The week of autumn Zen Practice with a visit from Sokan Yūshō Sasaki and Rev. Taibun Terumoto, Zazenkai at Tora Kan Dōjō – in Rome, Public meeting with the His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama, Kyudō Seminar by Tenshin, the Sun song by Ismo and poetry by Shiki edited by Shinden.

EkiZen n. 31 Summer 2017

Available in PDF. In this edition: The Ordination Ceremony of Tokudō and Jukai, presentation of the new book by Rev. Azuma DochoRōshi, Reflections of the 50th Anniversary of Sōtō Zen in Europe, the celebration of the 8th Anniversary of Shinnyoji and a presentation about the Kyudō discipline.

EkiZen n. 30 Spring 2017

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial and the Kusen by Teacher Iten Shinnyo: Meetings at Spinea, in Rome and Florence; the conference by Prof. Tollini: reflection on the first Springtime Week of Practice with numerous testimonies: thoughts and words.

EkiZen n. 29 Winter 2016

Available in PDF. In this edition: Special Rohatsu 2016 with the Ordination of Sanbōkie and Jukai-e. Events: The Praise Certificate at Shinnyoji from Kyoto, the Inter-religious Conference “Taking care of the Earth together”, the Conference by the Dalai Lama in Milan, the presentation of the “Shinnyoji Guidelines”.

EkiZen n. 28 Autumn 2016

Available in PDF. In this edition: Editorial by Teacher Iten Shinnyo Roshi, stories about the week of Practice, the first wedding at Shinnyoji and numerous testimonies of Practice.

EkiZen n. 27 Summer 2016

Available in PDF. In this edition: The Book of the 100 Great Monks, The Inauguration of the Prayer Hall at Careggi and the celebrations for the 7th Anniversary of the Permanent Seat of Shinnyoji. Also: the trip to Daijoji by Tenshin and numerous testimonies of Practice.

EkiZen n. 26 Spring 2016

Available in PDF. In this edition: a few articles by Rev. Azuma DochoRoshi published in Japanese print, the text for the conference with Prof. Tollini and pictures of the new Library at Shinnyoji. Also: the Nehan-e Ceremony and numerous testimonies of Practice.

EkiZen n. 25 Winter 2015

Available in PDF. In this edition: Rohatsu Special 2015 with Sanbo-kie and Zaike Tokudo Ordinations. Events: General Hearing at the Vatican, the conference by Prof. Tollini, the Convention on Naure and exposition of the Relics of the Buddha in Florence.

EkiZen n. 24 Autumn 2015

Available in PDF. In this edition: Articles published in Japanese print about Rev. Azuma DochoRoshi‘s trip to Taiwan. The Hymn of Shinnyoji published in the Daijoji Dayori newsletter, other notes of thankfulness from Japan for the Yakata Jizō Ceremony, numerous testimonies of Practice.

EkiZen n. 23 Summer 2015

Available in PDF. In this edition: Trip to Taiwan by Teacher Iten Shinnyo Roshi, the unveiling Ceremony of the Yakata Jizō small Temple, the celebration for the 6th anniversary of the Permanent Seat of Shinnyoji, the visit from the Mayor of Kyoto to our Temple and numerous testimonies of Practice.


EkiZen n. 22 Spring 2015

Available in PDF. In this edition: the arrival of the Jizō statue and a Hokora small temple at Shinnyoji, donated by the Mibudera Temple in Kyōtō. Also: the translation of the text “Ehiehi Shingi – The Pure Principles of Dogen for the Zen Community”, starting the Calligraphy course, putting the Shinnyoji Hymn with music and numerous testimonies of Practice.

EkiZen n. 21 Winter 2014

Available in PDF. In this edition: Special on the Rohatsu Vigil 2014. Also: the pilgrimage of Rev. Shinnyo Roshi in China upon the footsteps of Ganjin Wajō, reflections on the conference by Prof. Aldo Tollini at the “International Congress on Art, Culture and Bonsai” in Fiesole and the donation of an ancient pedestal to Shinnyoji for the Ganjin Wajō statue restored by Matsuura Shunkai Kanshu, Abbot of the Mibudera Temple in Kyoto.

EkiZen n. 20 Autumn 2014

Available in PDF. In this edition: reflections on the Shukke Tokudō Ceremony, Ordination to monk, Zaike Tokudō, Ordination to Bodhisattva and Sanbō-kie, Taking Refuge in the Three Treasures. Also; the Kusen of Rev. Nakano Ryōkyō, Gōdō Roshi from Daijoji, numerous testimonies of Practice and activities done at Shinnyoji: the conference by Prof. Hiroo Nakajima and the Calligraphy lesson by Teachers Paola Billi and Nicola Piccioli.

EkiZen n. 19 Summer 2014

Available in PDF. In this edition: reflections on the preliminary celebrations of the 650th Anniversary of the death of Gasan Zenji, the second abbot of Sōjij, the biography of the great Teacher, numerous testimonies of Practice and activities done at Shinnyoji: the anniversary of the seat and conference by Prof. Aldo Tollini.


EkiZen n. 18 Spring 2014

Available in PDF. Many initiatives happening at Shinnyoji are documented in this edition: The Hōyō Ceremony for remembrance of the 3rd Anniversary of the 2011 earthquake in Japan, the Nehan-e Ceremony for the Anniversary of the Shakyamuni Buddha‘s entrance into Nirvana, the two days of Shodo, the first day of Rakusu Sewing and meeting with the Finnish Sangha “Ordinary Mind” during the March Zazenkai.

EkiZen n. 17 Winter 2013

Available in PDF. In this edition: photographic reflections of the two conferences held at Shinnyoji by Prof. Paolo Pagli on Haikus and by Prof. Hiroo Nakajima on the History of Buddhism in Japan and the 2013 Rōhatsu Special.


 EkiZen n. 16 Autumn 2013
Available in PDF
also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: Editorial on the founding of the Sekai Zen Senta - WZC the World Zen Center by Rev. Ryushin Azuma Roshi, Abbot of the Daijoji Monastery.

EkiZen n. 15 Summer 2013

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”(seventh chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hui. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books.

EkiZen n. 14 Spring 2013

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” (sixth chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hui. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books.


EkiZen n. 13 Winter 2012

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: extract from a series of conferences that Reverendo Ryushin Azuma Roshi, 72° abate di Daijo-ji held in various Zen Centers in America when he was the Dean of the Women’s University for Buddhism in Komazawa. The attachment is in Japanese and English.


EkiZen n. 12 Autunno 2012

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: a few pages of the Daijō-ji Dayori and the local chronicle of a newspaper in Kyoto on the Fire Ceremony, accompanied by fireworks, published in the Newsletter and enlarged in the attachments to see the print in its original language.

EkiZen n. 11 Summer 2012

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”(fifth chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hui. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books.


EkiZen n. 10 Spring 2012

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”(fourth chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hui. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books.


Monograph on the Rohatsu Vigil n. 4 of EkiZen

Rohatsu Vigil, December 7-8th, 2011. Collection of photos and testimonies. Available in PDF and in the English section.


EkiZen n. 9 Winter 2011

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” (third chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hui. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books

EkiZen n. 8 Autumn 2011

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” (second chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hui. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books

Monograph of the Jukai Ceremony n. 3 of EkiZen

Jukai Ceremony, June 26th, 2011. Collection of photos and testimonies. Available in PDF.


EkiZen n. 7 Summer 2011

Available in PDF also in the English section with translation by Lisa Tenshin Saunders. In this edition: “The Sutra of the Original Vows and the Achievement of Merits by the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”(seventh chapter). Translated in English from Chinese by Pitt Chin Hu, President of the Regional Center of Singapore by the World Association of Buddhists. Source: Buddhanet.net E-Books.

EkiZen n. 6 Spring 2011

Collection of testimonies. Available in PDF.


EkiZen n. 5 Winter 2010

Available in PDF. Attached in this edition is the the special Words Faster than Thought (Fifth and last pamphlet).


Monography for the Jukai Ceremony n. 2 of EkiZen

Collection of testimonies. Available in PDF.


EkiZen n. 4 Autumn 2010

Available in PDF. Attached in this edition is the the special Words Faster than Thought (Fourth pamphlet).


Monography on The Return of Tettsu Gikai in China Monografia n. 1 of EkiZen

Available in PDF.

The monography i salso available in Japanese, Available in PDF.

EkiZen n. 3 Summer 2010

Available in PDF. Attached in this edition is the the special Words Faster than Thought (Third pamphlet).


EkiZen n. 2 Spring 2010

Available in PDF. Attached in this edition is the the special Words Faster than Thought (Second pamphlet).


EkiZen n. 1 Winter 2009

Available in PDF. Attached in this special edition is Words Faster than Thought (First pamphlet). See also the collection of photo from the Rohatsu Vigil.

EkiZen n. 0 (PDF)

Available in PDF Autumn 2009

Attached in this special edition A temple in movement See also the collection of photos of the inauguration of the new Seat.