
Calligraphy by Rev. Tenrai Ryūshin Azuma Rōshi
Sōtō Zen Temple

Shinnyoji, officially recognized as a Temple of the Sōtō Zen School outside of Japan, and Daijōji Italia Betsuin, Italian Branch of Daijōji Monastery in Kanazawa, Japan, by the former 72nd Abbot Rev. Tenrai Ryūshin Azuma Rōshi.
Rev. Anna Maria Iten Shinnyo Marradi, spiritual guide of the Temple, recieved the Transmission of Dharma from Rev. Tenrai Ryūshin Azuma Rōshi former 72nd Abbot of Daijōji Monastery.
Shinnyoji Temple is open to everyone regardless of their orientation and belief. Shinnyoji is in association with the Italian Buddhist Union, the European Buddhist Union and the Sōtō-shū Shūmūchō in Japan.

2004-2024 Celebrations for the 20th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Temple in Florence
5-7 April 2024
“A Bridge from Shinnyoji to Japan - Opening Celebration”
Sesshin – Ritiro di meditazione | Workshop di incenso con Tanaka Yoshitomo | Zazen con Teishō del rev. Ryōkyō Nakano rōshi | Celebrazione del Gotan-e | Cerimonia di Hōyō per il rev. Tenrai Ryūshin Azuma Dochorōshi - OPEN TO ALL
14 September 2024
"Shinnyoji's 20th birthday. The significance of witnessing and updating Zen in Italy"
Spiritualità e celebrazione - condividere la pratica Zen con la comunità - AFTERNOON OPEN TO ALL
29 March 2025
"The feminine in religious traditions: the power of a voice - Dialogue between Buddhism, Christianity, Islam"
Convegno: "Il femminile nelle tradizioni religiose: la forza di una voce" - OPEN TO ALL
10 May 2025
"Zen Waves: Shinnyoji's new podcast"
Lancio del Podcast e cena conviviale - OPEN TO ALL
Help us buy a new home for Shinnyoji Zen Temple Florence!
After more than 14 years, Shinnyoji had to leave the historical location and move to Florence, but for economic reasons to the suburbs, or nearby.
The hope is to find a property and raise enough funds to be able to purchase, on behalf of our Cultural Association Centro Zen Firenze a suitable place for our activities.
For the new headquarters, each brick will have the symbolic value of €10: we ask each of you to support us brick by brick, as many as you can, to raise the last €150,000.
If you have any suggestions for suitable properties, please let us know by e-mail.
Those who would like to participate with their generosity in the project for the New Shinnyoji Headquarters can send a free donation by bank transfer to:
IBAN: IT62Z0867302803000000913443
(reason: DONAZIONE Nuova Sede CZF Shinnyoji 2024)
Or via:
cash or PayPal with reason: DONAZIONE Nuova Sede CZF Shinnyoji 2024
Donations to date: € 5500.00
Shinnyoji's future is for everyone, regardless of orientation and creed.
"The echo of the valley - On the notes of Zen". The book by our Master Rev. Anna Maria Shinnyo Marradi has been published and is available in bookshops and online.
"L’eco della valle. Sulle note dello Zen is the account of twenty-five years of the extraordinary adventure of life, spirituality and music of the Sōtō Shinnyoji Zen temple in Florence, witnessed by the sincere and intense words of its spiritual Guide, the Reverend Shinnyo Marradi. The work is a sort of map that accompanies the reader on a path of approach to Zen practice and music not as a unitary literary path, but as a Way to follow that leads to the creation of a virtual concert of three voices, that of the Reader, the voice of Sound, and the wisdom of the Dharma, the Buddhist teaching imagined here as a harmonious correlation between Reading, Listening and Word. From this special and unrepeatable encounter arises a meditation sustained by living words that, together with musical notes, invites one to take the first steps on the threshold of the door without a door to one's inner world.
The protagonists of the volume are also the students of the temple who have shared these years of practice with the teacher Shinnyo: the book is therefore a single 'container' that contains her precious evening teachings, 'accompanied' by a musical piece in five movements performed on the cello, composed exclusively for the volume and inspired by the writings. The text is divided into five thematic sections, each introduced by an essay followed by a collection of kusen (evening discourses) on the subject, followed by mondō (questions and answers between master and disciple on the practice) and closing with a movement of the piece.
Each page gives us this intense and profound union between Zen and music, both disciplines expressing themselves beyond words, in a common 'sound' that further develops the possibility of encounters between practitioners and musicians, as happens in the Shinnyoji temple. The book for a musician becomes a kind of viaticum for setting out on the Zen Way, or vice versa a viaticum for music for a Zen practitioner. At times, this Buddhist tradition may seem unwelcoming to those who wish to step onto the threshold of a spiritual Path. This is why the Reverend Shinnyo, in her role as kokusai fukyōshi, missionary teacher of the Sōtō Zen school, authorised to spread Buddhism outside Japan, has drawn on her long experience to present in a colloquial and interactive manner a vast panorama on Zen themes, harmoniously accompanied by the poetry of musical notes so that it may reach and reawaken the hearts of those who read it". Stefano Davide Bettera. (Liberal translation of the original.)

Everything starts with breathing.
Our idea of compassion, kindness, welcome, starts there and goes far, and far we will carry your signature for 8xmille.
A signature that will help us promote new projects in defence of the environment, for social justice, welcome, work, culture, health, education and animals.
A signature that can go where others cannot and do not want to go, a signature to allocate your 8 x mille to whoever you really want.
Visit the website and find out how to do it
14th Anniversary of Shinnyoji Permanent Headquarters
OPEN DAY | 25 April | 9:00 - 18:00
On 25 April 2023, Shinnyoji is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for all those who wish to visit the Temple.
During the day it will be possible to
- request an interview with Master Shinnyo Marradi
- receive a Form lesson and sit in zazen
- collect information material about the Temple
- listen to Shinnyoji's music
- hear testimonies from practitioners
- simply have tea in the Temple garden
During the whole day in the Zendō, Meditation Hall, the practitioners take turns in a continuous zazen relay to witness the practice and reality of Shinnyoji.
20 February | 19:30 - 21:00Visite al Centro Zen Firenze e Apertura della Biblioteca
22 February | 10:00 - 13:00Zazen
24 February | 19:30 - 21:00Zazen
25 February | 6:30 - 7:10Ciclo di incontri in collaborazione con UniFi
27 February | 17:30 - 18:30Zazen
27 February | 19:30 - 21:00
Monday | 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Tuesday | 6:30 am - 7:10 am
Thursday | 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Once per month
Every six months

Shinnyoji Sangha Newsletter
Periodical diary illustrating the life of the Sangha. Reflections, poems, reports, tales, images, compositions and testimonies: the changing reality of Zen practitioners in the infinite shades of the Way.
In this bilingual edition:
- Editorial: "Sitting in Zazen to Know Oneself"
- Special September 14, 2024: 20 Years from the Foundation of Shinnyoji
- Rev. Shinnyo Marradi's Opening Speech
- Speeches from the Guests
- Thoughts from the Sangha
- July Sesshin and Ordinations
- Summer Retreat
- Rev. Shinkō Fujiwara's visit at Shinnyoji
- The Olbia Sangha
- and more.